“Why does all this copyright reform stuff matter, anyway? What’s at stake? Everything. […]
There’s a word for all the stuff we do with creative works — all the conversing, retelling, singing, acting out, drawing, and thinking: we call it culture. […]
[I]f copying on the Internet were ended tomorrow, it would be the end of culture on the Internet too. “ -Cory Doctorow
— “Like it? Well, I don’t see why I oughtn’t to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?”
— “Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Length of mix: 1:17:00
Available as 320 kbps MP3
On February 19th 1942 a fake Nazi invasion was staged in Winnipeg to rally support for the war effort and to promote the purchase of Victory bonds.
“In front of the Main library, all books relating to liberty, democracy, freedom […] were burned.
Reichmarks were given out as change, and were to replace the dollar. One group of Nazis burst into the cafeteria at Great-West Life. Employees were kicked out and some jailed, while the Nazis grabbed all the food.”