Three human shaped RC planes were flown around New York City to create the illusion of people flying
How the Dutch Got Their Bike Paths
Also see: The Dutch Cycling Embassy - Cycling for Everyone.
“There is no decahedron like a snowdecahedron.” -Plato
Temporary public art.
This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids.
I guess it’s time for me to start hording stickers for Acelyn.
Like computer hackers who crack digital networks and surreptitiously take control of key machines, members of UX carry out clandestine missions throughout Paris’ supposedly secure underground tunnels and rooms.
Through meticulous infiltration, UX members have carried out shocking acts of cultural preservation and repair, with an ethos of “restoring those invisible parts of our patrimony that the government has abandoned or doesn’t have the means to maintain.”
Reminds me of my good friend Paren Brace.
“The natural home for ideas and creations is in the commonwealth, the public domain. We cleverly give the creators of ideas and art and inventions a temporary monopoly for their creations outside of the commonwealth in order to encourage them to make more new things. That is good. For a while that temporary period in the US was 58 years after the work was created for copyright and 17 years for patents.”
When copyright was first brought into law in the UK (1709) the terms were 21 years for books already in print and 14 years for new ones, with an additional 14 years if the author was still alive when the first term ran out.
“Unfortunately, as creators became corporations, they have lobbied for laws (and financially supported the elections of lawmakers) that have extended the “temporary” period till it is in effect, unlimited for copyright.”
Also: Copyright and Wrong - Why the rules on copyright need to return to their roots
“The notion that lengthening copyright increases creativity is questionable. Authors and artists do not generally consult the statute books before deciding whether or not to pick up pen or paintbrush. And overlong copyrights often limit, rather than encourage, a work’s dissemination, impact and influence. “
“Canada celebrated New Year’s Day this year by welcoming the likes of Ernest Hemingway and Carl Jung into the public domain just as European countries were celebrating the arrival of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, 20 years after both entered the Canadian public domain. Canada’s term of copyright meets the international standard of life of the author plus 50 years, which has now become a competitive advantage when compared to the United States, Australia, and Europe, which have copyright terms that extend an additional 20 years.”
“The Canadian government filed notice of a public consultation on December 31, 2011 on the possible Canadian entry into the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) negotiations, trade talks that could result in an extension in the term of copyright that would mean nothing new would enter the Canadian public domain until 2032 or beyond.”
“Now is the opportunity to help preserve the public domain in Canada by speaking out against TPP copyright provisions that would extend the term of copyright or impose even stricter digital lock rules. The consultation is open until February 14, 2012. All it takes a single email with your name, address, and comments on the issue.
The email can be sent to [email protected].”
Do Not Covet Your Ideas.
Dubstep (and other styles of electronic music) explained in 3 minutes.
“CV Dazzle is camouflage from computer vision. It is a form of expressive interference that combines makeup and hair styling with face-detection thwarting designs. It opposes the mainstream push towards the widespread adoption of face recognition.”
Antagonistic technology. :)
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Looks like the Winnipeg Police Service needs bone up on their math skills. Their 2010 annual report includes some strange stats. When comparing 2010 with 2009:
- They report a 20-30% decrease in crime per district, even though their reported city-wide decrease is only 7%.
- This 7% decrease, when compared with their actual reported offence numbers, turns out to be a 9% increase.
- They report a decreases in “Events for Service” for all districts, even though there was no significant city-wide change in “Events for Service” between the two years.
Some of these discrepancies appear to be tied to the new WPS policy of listing certain incidents as “non-district specific.”