(high shutter-speed camera) + (stand-up bass) = Wobbly Strings
Relax - Glutton and Steak Beat Generation Edit
Chopped from a sprawling afternoon jam session with my pal Jake. Two synths. Turntable. Sequencer. Includes spoken word from Jack Kerouac. Recorded in 2002.
Urban Exploring in Peg city.
Slides from a talk I gave yesterday for the RRC BIT Instructor Show and Tell.
A Daft Punk megamix visualized using HTML5 with Canvas/Js.
Human Powered Quad-blade Helicopter
There will be a test flight tomorrow, an attempt to win the Sikorsky Prize.
The election results beautifully mapped. Includes some analysis on a NDP/Lib merger.
One question though: Folks are framing an NDP/Lib merger as “uniting the left”, but the Libs aren’t really left, are they?
Actually, two questions: Do we really want a two party polarized political landscape like the US? Political discourse in Canada is already black and white enough, let’s not remove all the grey.
“My Winnipeg is an old man in a moth-bitten buffalo coat.
He got it from his father, who used to be a police officer here before the streetcars went to rust. It was balled up in the attic, stuffed in a pair of tattered Eaton’s bags and crushed beneath a box which held his mother’s set of silver. The forks and serving spoons were black with tarnish; he made his daughter take them to the pawn shop. She never came back with any money: he hopes she just took them home, but never thinks to ask.” read more
Early Winnipeg Rap Videos - Part 2
Frek Sho - Patience 1996 - Video no longer available, just music.