Manitoba Election dot Ca
On October 4th of this year the people of Manitoba go to the polls to elect their next Legislative Assembly and Premier.
Making an informed choice for your vote requires that you know the candidates, their platforms and the issues they discuss.
This is why we built, a citizen created website for the upcoming Manitoba provincial election.
Currently you can view all the constituencies, candidate nominees and the incumbents. We have plenty more in the works including interactive maps, historical election results, candidate news feeds, an events calendar, candidate questionnaires, and educational resources.
Your feedback is much appreciated. Send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or @MbElection on Twitter.
* * * was created in the spirit of openness, community, accountability and communication. In 2010 we created a similar website for the Winnipeg election which helped over 40,000 Winnipeggers research their mayoral, city council and school trustee candidates. After the election we released an open data collection including the website source, ward map polygons, and historical election results.
What movies should I show my daughter to introduce her to art-house/world/indie cinema?
“The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day.
You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn’t. You get to decide what to worship.”
“The other day I made a comment on someone’s blog and I noticed I was the only one that put my online pseudonym into the name field”
My handles:
90s BBS: Remus McGrath
90s IRC & USENET: Way-K or way_k
00s Web: Wally Glutton aka stungeye
The Funklet a KickStarter project by Jack Stratton.
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Launch in fullscreen. As you navigate, read the fine print below the slides.