About ten years back, I lost my job and spent a bunch of time planting wonder sparks around the city. For one of these projects I took 50+ homemade frames to the U of M and framed things (top left).
Today I came across Real Life Instagram (top right) which is pure wonder spark goodness.
I still occasionally plant arts and crafts around town. I’m now left feeling like I should ramp up my efforts. Fun!
From my June 2003 blog post:
What are wonder sparks, you may ask? Well that’s the best part… The answer is: “anything”. Anything that will stimulate the sense of wonder of your fellow man. Paint pictures on the sides of garbage cans, plant trees in strange urban locations, leave poems on the tables in the lunch room, ponder strange philosophical concepts with the other people in the checkout line at the grocery store. You get the picture. Now get out there and create some sparks!